Evolution of ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source web framework and successor to ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft. It is a modular framework that runs on both the full .NET Framework, on Windows, and the cross-platform .NET. However ASP.NET Core version 3 works only on .NET Core dropping support of the .NET Framework. The framework is a complete rewrite that unites the previously separate ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API into a single programming model.

ASP.NET Core Architecture
An open-source and cross-platform framework
- Runs on .NET Core or on the full .NET Framework
- A unified framework for building web UI and web APIs
- Built-in dependency injection
- New light-weight and modular HTTP request pipeline
- Ships entirely as NuGet packages
- Integration with modern client-side frameworks like Angular, React, backbone etc.
- Build modern cloud based applications, such as :
- Web apps
- Mobile backends
- IoT Apps
- Machine Learning and AI
- Serve 2300% more requests per second as compared to ASP.NET 4.6
ASP.NET Core Anatomy
Everything starts from Program.cs, Main Method
- ASP.NET Core apps require a Startup class
- No more Global.asax
- No more Web.Config requirement
- No more modules and handlers
- Cross-platform Kestrel web server
ASP.NET Core 2.0 New Features
New Razor Pages
- Unified ASP.NET Core Reference using Microsoft.AspNetCore.All
- Simplified Application Host Configuration
- Consistent Middleware Configuration
- Supports Visual Basic
- Expanded OS Support
- .NET Standard 2.0 with Expanded APIs Supports
- NET Standard 2.0 with Expanded APIs Supports
- Automatic Page and View Compilation on publish
Why Choose .NET?
.NET helps you develop high quality applications faster. Modern language constructs like generics, Language Integrated Query (LINQ), and asynchronous programming make developers productive.
Combined with the extensive class libraries, common APIs, multi-language support, and the powerful tooling provided by the Visual Studio family, .NET is the most productive platform for developers.

Large ecosystem
Leverage the large .NET ecosystem by incorporating libraries from the NuGet package manager, our extensive partner network, and the Visual Studio Marketplace. Find answers to technical challenges from the community, our MVPs, and our large support organization.

Any app, any platform
With .NET you can target any application type running on any platform. Developers can reuse skills and code across all of them in a familiar environment.
From mobile applications running on iOS, Android and Windows, to Enterprise server applications running on Windows Server and Linux, or high-scale microservices running in the cloud, .NET provides a solution for you.

Trusted and secure
.NET provides you with immediate security benefits via its managed runtime. A collection of services prevent critical issues like bad pointer manipulation or malicious attempts to alter compiled code. Microsoft takes security very seriously and releases updates quickly when threats are discovered.

Open source
The .NET Foundation is an independent non-profit supporting the innovative, commercially-friendly, open source .NET ecosystem. Over 25,000 developers from over 1700 companies outside of Microsoft are contributing to .NET open source.
In addition to the community and Microsoft, Technical Steering Group members, Google, JetBrains, Red Hat, Samsung and Unity are guiding the future of the .NET platform.

Performance where it matters
.NET is fast. Really fast! That means applications provide better response times and require less compute power. StackOverflow serves 5.3M page views a day on just 9 servers.
The popular TechEmpower benchmark compares web application frameworks with tasks like JSON serialization, database access, and server side template rendering - .NET performs faster than any other popular framework.

"Using the same-size server, we were able to go from 1,000 requests per second per node with Node.js to 20,000 requests per second with .NET Core."
- John-Daniel Trask, CEO and CoFounder

".NET Core is an amazing technology. With .NET Core, our customers can now run the software on a wide spectrum of devices. It also gives us strong benefits with regard to operation costs in the cloud, because we can use it to run some workloads on Linux machines."
Thomas Gossler, Lead Architect, Digital Ecosystem Platform

"Services can be developed more quickly, perform faster in production, and scale better if they're written using .NET Core with C#."
- Jeremiah Gowdy, Principal Software Architect

"We think .NET Core is mature, very powerful, and a great choice for advanced modern apps."
Zerlot Ma, Cofounder and CEO

“.net core is future of programming. Being a developer or development company you have opt this technology to secure your future in the programming world. I should always thanks to Microsoft and always worship as creator. Since 2005 I loved with .net and now haply married with it and enjoy my programming life with lot of excitements every time.”
- Rai Singh, Founder and CEO

"The Microsoft technology made it easy for us. It just works. We saved months of development time in the process."
- George Beech, System Administrator